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She took a walk around the city
As she thought to herself
What Is wrong with this world

Everywhere around her people
Seems to be in love
Almost everyone but her

But she knows
IF opportunity came around
There wouldnt be no doubt

It’s always the same yeah you think you are strong
But when it really comes around

She would hide behind the curtains
Of her makeup self
She would act as IF she’s something
She would never wanna be
She Will try to impress you with a whole
Bunch of lies
Hoping you Will see through her words
Cause she’s really a quite good girl
Living in her own world

She’s dreaming of marrige
And two little kids
Hoping some day it’ll come true

But insecurety boundries are standing in the way
Of happiness long over due


Fri vers (Fri form) av Mr Inkognito
Läst 184 gånger
Publicerad 2020-03-10 17:59

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Mr Inkognito
Mr Inkognito