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Nästa vän i hyllningståget.

She's got the class with the cash and stash to show it.
Don't be surprised:
If you're not it,
if she's too lit,
if you're a shit that doesn't fit.

Cause if you're not cut, your door will be shut.
She has the manners of a queen on speed:
If you're ugly you will know,
If you're stupid she'll put on a show,
If she cares, she'll hug you though.

Do not mistake any of these traits of hers as a bad thing really.
She is just fair, honest, caring and generous in every way, a good way and bad way. But atleast I'll never have to guess if she's serious. Cause if she's joking, she'll tell me that too. Knowing where I've got her makes her a remarkably important friend.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Andreas Widell
Läst 181 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-04-11 05:29

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Andreas Widell
Andreas Widell