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Hey.. K..

Tumble your kisses over here
Let me taste those lips

Drink with me this only night
Somewhere over the atmosphere

I know you see me
Let us ride with the stars

Go to bed with the moon
And wake up with the early sun

I only wish
For a taste
Of those lips


Would you just
Give me
A taste of those lips..

Fri vers av Nina Nightwish VIP
Läst 264 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2020-05-09 21:04

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    Ken Cassel
Of curse, my dear
My name is Ken and I want to kiss you
right here, right now
Can I?


  Hon kallar sig poet VIP
Lite hemlig men spännande...på engelska...flow
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Nina Nightwish
Nina Nightwish VIP