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Gjorde en sångtext med inspiration från en tidigare dikt. Blev bättre tycker jag. Lade också upp en mycket kvalitativ inspelning med min otroliga sångröst för den med modiga öron och svag självbevarelsedrift...

The Phoenix

I've been burned so many times

There’s nothing left but fire

The only thing that really matters

Is rising ever higher


Like a moth towards a flame

Or that endless crackling sound

Something's wrong with my brain

As my feet leave the ground


It’s too hot to stay here

And there’s no way keep on going

My memory's burning up

But I know nothing that's worth knowing



As the Phoenix rises

And Icaros falls

It will all keep starting over

Doesn't matter who you are


They might burn you as witch

But don't worry you'll be fine

As the phoenix you'll rise

Turning water into wine



I am broken to the core

And there's no one at my side

Here in endless darkness

I can finally hide


I wish that I could stay here

Forever and for always

But through the cracks I see

How another dawn breaks


I can't keep myself from chasing

The warm light of the sun

But it'll leave me in ashes

Surely as a gun



As the Phoenix rises

And Icaros falls

It will all keeps starting over

No matter who you are


They'll burn you as witch

But don't you worry you'll be fine

As the phoenix you'll rise

Turning water into wine



There is no way for you to stop

This eternal curse

As bad as it gets

It will always get worse


You see, life is but a battle

But I am not a man

I’m your deepest of obsessions

Doing the one thing that I can


So we'll be forever searching

As you’re begging to be free

But no matter if you die

You won’t be rid of me

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Senkomen
Läst 152 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-01-30 13:11

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