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A part of it all

If you want to be
in your fantasy
you can follow me
cause im going to Bagdad
on a camel.

What you can do then
is really up to you
I can't tell you
what you can or
can not do.

But dream of anything
cause your totally free
and if thats too much
thats also up to you.

The sky is way up there
and beyond there is so much more
it goes on forever or
until you see nothing more.

You reached for heaven
but you found only Earth
in so many lives and so
many births

But you are here and have always been
invented life and death
and all in between.

The secret is out
so give me doubt
that you are not a
of it all and

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Time's Galaxy
Läst 156 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2021-11-05 14:11

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Time's Galaxy
Time's Galaxy