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I miss you (pop ballad)

You can't always control your mind
and certainly not a heart,
where there is aching love to find,
that would be the real tricky part.

I need help to be at peace,
to stay balanced anyway,
my sanity just seems to cease,
what my friend have you to say?

Words of love as sweet perfume
used to cause my days to shine,
you touched my inner sacred room,
forever I thought, she is mine.

I never had a real choice,
my heart was lost, my soul a flame,
your lovely smile, your tender voice,
who can say I am to blame?

I miss you every day,
living with an endless WHY?
To the highest one I pray,
Hold me up cause I'm about to die!

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Ulf Lundin

Bunden vers (Rim) av Ulf Lundin VIP
Läst 195 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2021-12-10 13:41

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Ulf Lundin
Ulf Lundin VIP