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Naked Reality

Panic anxiety attack.

You saw, you heard, you understood and chose to react by holding me.

A faint whisper in my ear, you're safe here.

I know, It's just hard to grip the depth of reality.

An arm draped around my shoulders, holding me close, in a safe embrace.

My head resting on your chest, almost hypnotized by your soothing heartbeat.

An overwhelming feeling of security.

A lonely tear running down my face.

Hey, it's okey, you'll be fine.

More than anything do I want to believe your truth , but it's just so incredibly hard.

Your words give me a moment of comfort.

Leaving me breathless, mezmerized and a craving to taste more.

A frenetic attempt at finding the right words to describe how I truly feel for you.

Grasping for the tiniest chance to feel him close to me.

How did you turn out to be so breathtakingly perfect?

Fri vers (Fri form) av Emmasa98
Läst 197 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2022-03-12 10:47

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