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I will just make you cry

I try to adapt.
To this world.
But I can´t.
- - -
I can not understand this world.
I am like a alien in purgatory.
- - -
Hug the alien.
And I will give you
All that I have.
I will go beyond borders for you.
- - -
Those who really know me.
Truly understand my intention.
- - -
They know how to hug the alien.
- - -
Cause they know that.
I have a big heart.
That I do not belong here.
In this world.
- - -
So please.
Hug me.
And bring me down to the ground.
- - -
Better you leave me alone.
Cause I do not what to see your tears.
I have seen enough of tears.
I barely can wipe of my own tears.
- - -
I will just make you cry.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Tommy Vähä-Rainio VIP
Läst 290 gånger
Publicerad 2022-12-26 19:53

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Tommy Vähä-Rainio
Tommy Vähä-Rainio VIP