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If only there was a way You could stay, B ...

Dream of me

Dream of me 

my light, my safe haven 

Take my hand

and walk with me 

all the way to eternity 

Dream of me 

my strength, my joy 

As we slowly drift appart

in the sea

that is This reality 

Dream of me 

my love, my kindered spirit 

For as the moon gives way to dawn

I vanish

even if I hold on ...

Dream of me 

as I dream of You 

As fear grasps my heart, sorrow 

fills my soul 

For You are lost to me 

Forever gone 

As the night turns into dawn ... 

Fri vers av Mystica
Läst 84 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2023-02-18 12:53

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So beautifully the dream wanders ~
to disperse at dawn...
Wonderful words!
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