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Thank You for being You, B ...

I love You for Who You are ...

I love You for who You are 
You need not prove anything to me 
I believe in You, always! 
You say You might disappoint me 
my answer will always be the same: 
You can't!
For I see You, I know You, I feel You
and I still love You
unconditionally ... 

I Love You for who You are 
I have for Years, 
through it all, good, bad and to hell and back 
You've let Me see the darkness You carry
You've let Me see Your pain 
I love you Not less, but Deeper,
Stronger, Unbreakable 
For Your darkness does Not frighten Me 
Your past even less, 
Just like mine does Not shake You!
My demons are no stranger than Yours
my Love,
just different ... 

I love You for who You are
For the way You make me feel 
For the way You make me laugh 
For the way You make me safe 
For the way You melt the ice around my heart 
and keep my pain far, far away 
For being the Air I breathe when I'm drowning 
and the smile on my lips when I need it the most ...

Just by being You, B 
Just by being You! 

I love You for who You are,
and You mean Everything to me ... 

Fri vers av Mystica
Läst 93 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-03-07 15:29

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