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Being the treasure beyond measure

"This is so non-intellectual and simple

that the thinking mind continually overlooks

the obvious. You are aware now."

John Wheeler


"Here it is-right now

Start thinking about it and you miss it"

Huang Po

 "I am"

 The timeless knowing

 The treasure beyond measure

 Already here                          Brilliantly clear

 The simplicity of Heart


 where to start

 See the true essence

 to be aware-natural-presence

 Closer than close   Nearer than near

 Neither old nor new but fresh as the morning dew


Fri vers av Nils Teodor VIP
Läst 48 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-04-02 14:08

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Nils Teodor
Nils Teodor VIP