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Jag kanske förändrar radbrytningen lite (när jag är mindre full) men annars är jag nöjd; relativt.


So here I stand
a dead boy
quite dearly stenched in rain
a sycophant of struggle
my shame I named our life, my pain
a selfish apathetic
I wish against the pavement, so sickly drenched
a stain
and hitherto
I whisper naught, for you
'tis I, broken dreams I know them and yet
I wither too
skies, I've seen them
wished upon them
clearly starlight you brought me to
in decay I keep them now, it's a secret
this dead boy, distance;
me and you.
So clearly in life of turmoil
confusion straight as day
how could I declare phantoms
of a life you've named decay
so sit here on my rock
a fortress alone I've built
perhaps could be there, you, a queen
but you'll a frame my life a wilt
and thus
in fragile moonlight
you'll be sanctuary calm
yet fret of soul the struggle
I'm dying in unbeknownst your warmth.

Fri vers av Kieran
Läst 63 gånger
Publicerad 2023-08-10 05:36

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