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End off all hope

A new tell is told
Look at the paige 2 and 3
Find the name, look in to the emty eyes, find the storry behind me,
Wakes em up and stoop the pain if you can,
i´m hard to tolk to.
everyone includ myself belives i´m not afraid off anything,
But the thruet is i´m afraid off everything,
you dont have to sharing the same hell with me,
people sais the color of love is red, but for me it is black,
that makes you fear, makes you cry,
all the wars are a fight among thosed lonely men,
unarmed, unscarred.
the red rose born but soon die
where all the feelings gone?
why is it the deadlist sin to love as i loved you?
without innocence the cross is only iron, hope only illusion
it is the end, end off all hope,

Fri vers av heavymetalunge
Läst 271 gånger
Publicerad 2006-08-20 21:10

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