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Everyone knows her name

Deep inside
Well hidden
Well protected

Underneath tons of armor
Trapped inside a body
There she is
Biding her time
Waiting to break free

Protected from the cruelty
The hate
And the selfishness
Of this world

Her soul is fragile
It bleeds when someone is hurt
It cries from all the violence
It gets torn apart from all the hate

Soon she will no longer exist
She withers away
One piece at a time

She can only live and thrive
In sunshine
With love around her
In a good and thoughtful world
When people see euqauls in eachother
And not enemies
A world where people care and help others
A world that acts like one
Instead of shards from a broken window

Many do not know her yet, some have not met her.
But her name is widely spread most have heard it

She does exist
But many are afraid of her
They try to keep her away
For as long as possible

I hope one day
One day soon
That she will find the strength to break free
That her name is the name on everyone's lips

She is our only hope in this darkness
Her name is

Fri vers av Coldasice VIP
Läst 270 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-03-04 20:21

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  Kungskobran VIP
All I am saying give pease a chance,
all I am saying give pease a chance…
John Lennon

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Coldasice VIP