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A Little Black Angel

the tears of a little black angel

a little black angel,
whispered in my ear.
I’m going to get you,
your going to die.
I cried for the longest time,
but then I realized,
the was nothing I could do.

a little black angel,
showed me lots of photos.
photos of my family,
they all where dead,
but I didn’t believe my eyes,
so the little black angel went away.

a little black angel,
wanted me to be scared,
but I didn’t fall, for her sheep trick.

a little black angel,
cried tears of red blood.
so sad the angel was,
the mighty black wings where lifeless,
and her whole world was hopeless.

a little black angel,
slowly dieing in my arms.

a little black angel,
went up to the sky.
I thought I hate her, but now I miss her
My little black angel come back!

Fri vers av AllDifferentAllEqal
Läst 462 gånger
Publicerad 2004-11-30 13:05

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