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Need to rescue myself,
don´t be dissapointed on me.
Never wanted to let you down,
now I´m fallin even more,
the bottle
becames the problem.

You could see it on me,
but you let me fall,
never tried to catch me.
Struggling to keep myself up,
just want to loose myself,
into the bottom of the bottle.

You´re still here,
patiently waiting for me.
I just can´t get rid of this feelin,
just want to loose myself,
into the bottom of the bottle.

I´m sick and tired of this shit,
can´t take much more,
please, came and get me,
cause I
just want to loose myself,
into the bottom of the bottle.

Övriga genrer av Veronica Eriksson Blok
Läst 578 gånger
Publicerad 2006-12-01 00:14

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  Håkan Tendell
Ja, besvarad kärlek har räddat många från flaskan.

F-n vad bra du skriver på engelska, skulle jag vilja kunna lika bra! =)
I've been there...
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Veronica Eriksson Blok