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love is just a game we play
(gillar egentligen inte denna dikt men skrev den väl typ med en slags bild av hur man kan uppfatta en player.)

Love is just a game we play

he makes you laugh, and makes you smile
he makes you feel so special for a while
he acts like your the one and you never had so much fun

he gives you the energy of a child
he makes you feel so free and wild

he makes you promises one day
then the next he makes you cry and walks away
then he turns to you and say:
that love is just a game we play

he makes you feel high on love
he takes you to the sky above
he makes you for the first time really feel
you thought such love was unreal

you keep holding on to a weak feather
cause maybe this is the only time you will feel this way
you keep hoping he can change for the better
so you live in the moment, day by day

then he turns to you and say:
that love is just a game we play....

Fri vers av Daniela Linder
Läst 408 gånger
Publicerad 2007-01-22 19:32

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Daniela Linder
Daniela Linder