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Ja jag vet... folk hatar att jag skriver på engelska här men det gör inte jag :-).

Two pieces of history

I\'m sick but it doesn\'t show
I\'m high but I\'m low
I\'m two versions of me
Both just trying to be

I\'m fun and charismatic
I\'m hurt, deep and emphatic
I\'m happy and I\'m strong
I\'m sad cause I don\'t belong

I\'m tired but I\'m awake
I\'m real but I\'m fake
I\'m a dreamer, too naive
I\'m faithless but I believe

Two pieces of history

I\'m not in a pink bubble, ignoring pain
I\'m on the outside, going insane
i\'m living life, uninhibited and free
pain doesn\'t make me run or flee

I\'m young, but i\'m old
I\'m warm but I\'m cold
I\'m weak and emotional
I\'m loyal and devotional

I\'m strong but I\'m weak
I\'m a survivor and unique
I\'m talkative and kind
two versions in one, combined

Two pieces of history

Fri vers av Daniela Linder
Läst 653 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-04-13 19:11

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Daniela Linder
Daniela Linder