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människor är så ytliga idag, dom ser inte DIG, den du är. bara hur du ser ut...

you would fall in love if you just saw

Hard to discover what is fake
so you give, and they only take
Trying so hard, trying to be
look beyond and maybe you will see

I\'m more than just a pretty face
let me show you my pace
Don\'t be stupid and so vain
It will bring you nothing but pain

you would fall in love if you just saw

I am a person, open your eyes
I\'ve been told all the stupid lies
I can see it, but I still have hope
I fight for love and I try to cope

I just wanna find someone who is true
Who loves me even when I\'m ugly and blue
I want someone who loves me without conditions
who aims for the same goals and missions

experiences have made me complicated
I\'ve hoped, prayed and waited
I want someone who loves me for being me
but people are blind cause they don\'t wanna see
It\'s easier to see a piece of meat
then you don\'t get hurt, you defeat

look beyond and you will see, I\'m here
I\'m hurt and far under but I\'m still there

you would fall in love if you just saw

Fri vers av Daniela Linder
Läst 418 gånger
Publicerad 2007-02-09 00:25

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Daniela Linder
Daniela Linder