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A Dead Rebel Yell

A dead horizon stretches into a desolate future
Codes of honour discarded, no memory of grand rapture
Drones crawl before an inanimate ruler
The self-deceit of the past seem to get crueler
No Light, no Darkness, just dead ashes and drained air
Total indifference, this is Gods land, passion\'s forgotten and so is despair

The way of the warrior is forlorn, the lore of the mages banished
The bloodline of Hell survived but their battlecry does not resound where courage and honour has vanished

These are times of desperate need
But there is no call to arms to be heed

When rebellion was bought we sold our souls collectively
When uniqueness was bought we sold our souls liberty
Demons cry and Angels laugh in this very moment
I silently mourn my entombment
Heed my burning lament

Fri vers av Banehallow
Läst 257 gånger
Publicerad 2007-04-16 09:24

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