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these words are a reflection on the dilemma of women who are supposed to be Jenna James in bed and Virgin Mary by the stove..

Porno Virgin

Will you want me if I’m Nancy-Mary-Jenna-Theresa?

Will you want me if my eyes scream Rescue me!
while my mouth says Fuck you!

Will you want me if I refuse to wash your dirty socks
but let you use my body while I watch TV?

Will you want me if I´m smart but not too smart
not smarter than you?
If I’m pretty but not too pretty to be of real interest
to other hunters?
If I’m brave but not too brave
to make you seem a chicken?
If I’m willing but not too willing
to be only boring?

Will you want me if I dress up in hookers panties under my burqa?
Will you want me if I have pornstar preferences
though I’m a virgin?

Will you want me?
Will you want me then?

Fri vers av Jasna
Läst 367 gånger
Publicerad 2007-05-10 10:46

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    Bodil Sandberg
Det här tycker jag var mycket bra frågeställningar...säkerligen många tjejor som har anledning att ställa sig dessa frågor idag..här och nu!
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