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Just feel this please, its beating
its beating and its scary
Why you ask, why is it scary
because its beating and beating

Touch here, hold your hand still
can you feel it?
can you see now why im scared?
its beating and i dont know why

So fast, so darn fast
as if a rocket was passing through
can you feel it, its beating
and its all becouse of You

Please make it stop, please
dont let it rush away
im afraid ill die, if your not around
so dont leave, just stay

But at the same time
its beating so hard
so fast, so please
please make it stop

Dont touch my skin
or do touch my skin
I havent made up my mind
please no, oh yes please

Why is this so hard
is it becouse its beating
or is it something else
do i want it to stop?

do I?



Fri vers av Patrik Valler
Läst 443 gånger
Publicerad 2007-07-03 18:29

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Patrik Valler
Patrik Valler