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Fly far away acoss the sea to Canada.

Learning how to fly

When it was time for the little dragon to leave his best friends,
the best friend said:

Fly the little dragon, fly across the sea.
Fly the little dragon, fly across the sea.
The best thing is for you to leave me.

So the little dragon spread out his wings,
the little dragon said:

Yes my friend, I have to fly across the sea.
Yes my friend, I have to fly across the sea.
I need to find my own home.
Because it is nothing left here for me.
I need to go my own way.
I must learning how to fly...

But I will never leave you.
I will always be with you, no matter how far I am.
If you need my help I will always be there for you.
The little dragon will miss his friends very much.
A dragon will always remenber his friends.

Then the little dragon jump up and fly away over the sea.
The best friend watch the little dragon disappear in the distant.
Inside of his best friend the little dragon said:

Yes my friend, I have to fly across the sea.
Yes my friend, I have to fly across the sea.
But I will never leave you...

Fri vers av Love Dragon
Läst 424 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-07-21 23:45

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Love Dragon