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är det det dom kallar tillväxt? verkar mest va´ missväxt, vi vill ha liv av ett annat slag\" citat från general knas.


once upon a time,
there was a land
without a king

a town
were people lived
even if some didn´t survive.

a house,
without walls
were the wind of happiness
blew through

a garden,
without fences,
were the flowers allways

but know,
the land has a king,

the house has got walls,
and the wind can´t blow
the happiness through

the garden has got fences
ands the flowers aren´t able
to grow.

and in the town
noone lives,
they just survives.

Fri vers av angel of tears
Läst 485 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-01 14:24

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jag håller med, abosolut absolut absolut ..

Bra skrift! En tung och vacker sensmoral!

Sture Allén skulle hållt med!
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angel of tears
angel of tears