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\"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.\" Så låt hatet vara... Tycker inte riktigt om denna men den är inte som mina vanliga... berätta gärna för mig vad den betyder.


I love, I laugh
I want you so
I love, I laugh
I never show
I love, I laugh
I want you so
I love, I laugh

I want you bad I want you here
Come lie down right beside
I want you near can\'t you hear
I want you so

You make me laugh you make me cry
I scream your name in the night
but tears of blood roll down inside
I want you so

My thoughts are high in flames of hate
only for you with every word
This hate is me, can\'t you see
Hate I\'ll never give

you can say you need me..
but i say..

Your love is a prison
I cannot breath
It burns in me
I cannot feel
Its a fuckin rape
Its all I\'ll ever say
Its a fuckin RAPE

You say you\'re bad I say you\'re not
You cry me closer every time

.. It\'s a prison
I cannot breath
It burns in me
I cannot feel
Its a fuckin rape
Its all I\'ll wanna say
Its a fuckin RAPE

I cannot leave you hurt like this
I tell you all will be fine
My lies grow deep inside of me
I feel so

Nothing of me is holy for you
Your tears make you god
I say sorry, please dont worry
You know I will

This is not a life you have for me
I have got to run away
But then you cry and so I lie
I want you so

All I ever say is...

Your love is a prison
I cannot breath
It burns in me
I cannot feel
Its a fuckin rape
Its all I\'ll ever say
Its a fuckin Rape

My kindness is weak and you know it
You cry me closer every time

.. It\'s a prison
I cannot breath
It burns in me
I cannot feel
Its a fuckin rape
Its all I\'ll ever wanted to say

Fri vers av AllNamesRTaken
Läst 388 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-02 23:51

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  Alina Ögger
Dikten har en skön rytm i sin aggressivitet och sorg.
De första stroferna bildar marionettdockor inom mig, först beskrivande känslor-ilska-upp-upp-upp och sedan släpper tråden, ner-ner-ner; dead.

Jag måste läsa denna igen och uppfatta.
Se nya vinklar i nytt ljus.


tjenare värkligen fint skrivit. känner igen mig där. en massa hat och vad jag förstår beskyller man sig för nått..?.
kanon dikt som värkligen framhäver allt. hat, kärlek, ångest.
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