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Det här är min väg. Mitt Liv. Inte allt för många som gör detta tråkigt nog :/

My life, my way.

I will always stand there
Smiling at you, thought being apart
I will always remember you
This don\'t hurt me, but it\'s not me if I stop.

(You know?)

It wont hurt me if I let it all through
To much love and i\'ll repair myself new
How you everyday tries to get it all aside
I will always pick it up and put it back in time.

This is a my way of seeing love
It\'s not to kick me down, it\'s to feel happiness sometimes in life
All I know is, that when I look back at the time that was
I want to feel that I went after what I wanted, no matter what
The world is so full of fear, tradic. Im trying to make it all stop.

Even when you say the things that I feel not
I\'ll listen then tell myself its wrong and full shit I wont care..
Putting my love out there
Is all I got.

Fri vers av Rojiva
Läst 389 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-03-11 23:27

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