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Ja.. jag vet inte riktigt vad jag tänkte på när jag gjorde den här dikten, men hoppas du tycker den blev bra ^^

The perfect city

A foreign city
Far beyond
Where every person
Nothing fond

My words are true
My voice is clean
When I speak of you
I only mean

To be no harm
No words in grief.
Who can disarm
Your thoughts in disbelief?

Cause when you aim with your secret gun
I want you to remember
The times have just begun

Where no harm hurts
And no tears has fell
On your clean, white shirt
Where only sorrow will repel

So what’s to believe
Who is to blame
To be so naiv
To have created such a game?

Thus are the rules
The rules of a game
With eyes of jewels
We are all the same

Cause no one is perfect
No, far from the book
Treated with no respect
It’s no wonder someone took

Their freedom away
Nobody has a cure
For the perfection who will say
‘everything else is unpure’

Bunden vers (Limerick) av Tove_L
Läst 655 gånger
Publicerad 2008-04-01 19:36

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