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shop windows

In this part of town
there are shutters instead of glass
in front of the shop windows.
They rattle when cars go past
like thunder.

I walk briskly
in this part of town
passing the shop windows.
Don’t want delays, to be bound
to one spot.

In the centre
I can see my reflection
frightened eyes in shop windows.
Walking in this direction
I see galvanized steel.

Still, walking by
the East Belfast shop windows
I can see myself clearer
than in the mirrors of the windows
in Stranger Town.

Fri vers av Bensin
Läst 442 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-04-05 19:56

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Intressant och stark bild.

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Bensin i blodet.

Bor du i Belfast?

(\"There\'s paranoia in Belfast\"...om man skall tro en viss sångare i ett band som hette The Pillisnorks)
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