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Goats and Sheep

It is hard to stay a human
When everybody around carries death in thier hands
It is hard to stay alive
When they have killed all that you hade inside
But some still do, they do

It is easy to say no when nobody's around
It is easy to do things that hurt other
But when someone listens, when someone sees
That is when the goats are seperated from the sheeps

You who hungered when they did
You who wept when they died
shall live for ever more
Because it was you who forgot the us and them
Because it was you who became one
not caring where us ended and they started
You shall live for ever more

You who ate when others starved
You who looked away when others died
What are you?
I see no evil in your eyes but still you stood
when others became like one together
Like ilands in the water
Like lonley stars in the sky
You stand alone

I have nothing to say to you except that I am sorry
that you still fight the once at peace

Fri vers av Lo Z.
Läst 371 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-19 19:50

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP
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Bibeln talar om två familjer på jorden: Guds och Satans.

  Casbah* VIP
annorlunda att läsa engelska mitt i allt..
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Lo Z.