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Dark Rapture

Eyes of uncanny assailants flashes through my eyes
Run precious stranger before your life fades out and dies

I beseech thee, stay my hands
Or this will become haunted lands

The darkness of the night seeps into me
My skin feels like an awkward leather mask
Seek shelter stranger, I beg of you to flee
Bottled and risen to the brim, never wanted anyone to ask

My steps lighten, becoming seeking and agile
Saliva gathers in my mouth and my teeth itches
The cravings makes my thoughts murderous and vile
I hear my synapses creating overwhelming glitches

A strangers scent clouds my mind
Stranger, death approaches from behind

The rapture of a craven predator grips me from soul and through
The clutches of death and a morbid fate takes a hold of you

Fri vers av Banehallow
Läst 354 gånger
Publicerad 2008-10-21 14:42

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Strong & beautiful expression.

Rimmen blir allt bättre ;P keep it up
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