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Inspirerad av filmen "City Of Angels" med Nicholas Cage och Meg Ryan. Dock är innehållet i min dikt väldigt lite relaterat till filmen i stort. De berör dock varandra på vissa punkter.

Aching of the soul

If I had eternity, if I had undeath
I'd give up your warmth, I'd give up my breath

If only I knew
The price of the new
I'd never been born
Thus not been torn

For now that I know, the pain and despair
The hunger of thousands is always there

If only I knew
The cold in the dew
The searing pain
Endeavor in vain

The end of the world, is harbored in me
So deep within me, imbued beneath what you see

Fri vers av Banehallow
Läst 408 gånger
Publicerad 2008-10-24 23:42

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