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It was just a dream, another fantasy in my mind

Another broken heart, another story I can’t leave behind

Alone in the end, with a bottle of scotch in my hand

Drinking myself to sleep, trying to heal wounds so deep

I hate what has become of me, I fear that no one else can see

See the darkness that roams free, that roams free deep inside of me

I hate that no one else can feel, feel the pain inside of me

Every time I force a smile, makes me want to vanish

Makes me want to cry, makes me wonder, if I’m really alive

It feels like the pain won’t go away, feels like I’m all alone

And there is nothing left in this world for me to behold

Nothing left for me too see, nothing left for me to feel

My soul is damaged and will never be able to heal

Maybe we were all too blind to see, maybe we have all been mislead,

Maybe I’m no longer with you, maybe I’m already dead

Fri vers av JohnSilver
Läst 262 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-02 23:27

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