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for one that has gone before

from deep within the mist, comes a strange sound
a sound that moves and appear like the ghost
like the most gentle touch
of your hand, and loving mind
you who was there
and you who disappeared
before we met and before we dreamed
in starlight was our dream
that was our destiny, to meet for one moment
a timeless moment of eternity
that never found its end
and your lakes and great waters,
waters were covered with ice, while waiting for a new spring
like I was to bring down the fires
the burning lights of heaven
to thaw your lakes of frozen hearts, but you were taken away
with night away, forever away
only whispers of you remain but growing fainter
fainter for all the night
for every dream that won´t come true, another morning somewere
somewere we will meet again
a meeting in a new world
and a world where our dreams come true
soon we will meet again, meet and dream..
...dream of me

Fri vers av Lordslig
Läst 203 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-26 23:27

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