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Detta är låten som följde på rånet i Tanzania.


Little muzungo
In far away land
With a black skirt
She just got her hair done
And bought a blues dress
After bargaining

She found this real cheap hotel to crash
But she didn’t know she’d lose her cash
To people she’d never find suspicious
A boy asked her please to come along
And she said oh yeah why not all right
Black women played all night
Authentic songs

To every robbery
Be scared
It’s just a robbery

What a polite boy
He got them a taxi
To go back
He twisted a fat one
And gave her to try
As the car stopped

The boy seemed uneasy, she inhaled
“Two thousand bucks or seven years in jail”
She showed them her visa card “My money
Just don’t make me give you that amount
A hundred is all I’ve got”
They said okay and she
Pulled the money out

Out of the bank machine
Be scared
Just always bargain
Be prepared
For all the bargaining…



Fri vers av Anna Lindén
Läst 385 gånger
Publicerad 2009-05-24 13:31

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Anna Lindén
Anna Lindén