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Ett par raders bakgrund, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme är i Sverige en treåring gymnasial utbildning, ett förberedande år (PreDP) följt av de två "riktiga" IB åren, IB1 och IB2. Under tre veckor skrivs finals, uppsatser och prov på vad vi

Final exams

Eleven tests, three weeks

Three years of studies, this is the final exams

What did you learn, did you pay attention?

"Remember, you've studied this subject for two years"

Don't feel the pressure

Our grand finale

No stress, we're prepared

Not helping, this is what counts

It's just tests, pass them and you'll be fine

It's just what you've done for the last three years

But don't feel the pressure

Övriga genrer av DrownedFish
Läst 232 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-25 21:51

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