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It's just a dream a bad, bad dream...

Rapids of blood


oh, no God no!

sounds in my head

whispers too high

drums and echoes of piano playing,

crying, bleeding instruments

shaking of vibrations by sounds

by echoes of devils voices

choking my ribs

cold hands on mornings first light

seeing bright angels.. turns around...

with snake tongues and eyes like a cat!

Is it a dream?!

do I dream, do I? God!


stop the music, stop!

can't they see, the piano's bleeding, It bleeds!

God, no God!

intense, music, more, power, more!

don't crush my ribs, my shelter, please no!

Lysander It's a snake!

stealing, eating my heart!

cocaine, heroin, give me something,

I need It, give me more!

I can't breath and still I'm alive, how, tell me how..

Let me scream! high, higher, high!

stay away from me, fuck off,

burn in hell, I hate you HATE!

Stop the music, stop!

can't they see blood, the fake angels

making me swear, swearing more

Lysander don't leave me here!

where are you Lysander where?!

Echoing drums

and now rain of metal melting drops like rain

my head is burning, that cold hand, where are you now, where?

so tired, beaten, bleeding, wet

can't longer walk,

yet crawl

oh, my legs!

the heart beating, jumping, soon out from my chest

well.... the devil Is choking my ribs

It's no longer a free world, rest, sleep, rest

...and you will not be awaken more....

Then a true light...

no longer hissing tongues, cold hands..


And I refuses, refuse!

over my dead body, I mean It I refuse

to live my life in between

to the fullest or not.

This, this Is just a bad, bad dream...

Fri vers av Aquarius
Läst 490 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-14 23:47

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  TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Härligt horribel!
I almost really can hear you screaming for Lysander.......!
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