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C3H5(NO3)3 a.k.a Calamity Jane a.k.a Savage
i googles översättning rakt av .... strange

Translated version. By Google. In a strange strange way...



the upgraded version is WAY harder than the old. Fixed the new is the older, of course. Slit Nare. Chasten and SAVAGE. Spit balls and chew gunpowder. Gone down for counting a couple of times but is otippat still up, well on shaky legs, but still. Probably pure stubbornness more than anything else.

Lilla My plaster is gone and Betty Boop are only fragments remain, cluster of dark hard cooked flavor, and the magic she dropped off the road. Not sure where, just to whom, but are now looking for ever since she lacks it,power,  and know that the waiting,

waiting, Where somewhere. Maybe steam she still unconsciously. It was always unconsciously.

Call her not bitter, she realizes its own debt, allowing theshe was  who left. Angry - yes always, bitter - no.

I would not like to call her pathetic, but the muddy banks trench is difficult not to fall in. The reluctance is based on the rather pathetic that after all is a sad word to be associated with. Hands, however, that she falls into the trap, crawl up and hope nobody saw.


we have here a woman, not old nor young, around the trailer's small black notebooks. With a body she learned to live with - for what is the alternative - but actually finally get on with. Elicit the best out ... after all. Betty Boop model may not be modern, but we can pretend that it does in no way are timeless.

Her desire was to be Modesty Blaise, but realize that Betty, she is the dark, crossed with a slightly deranged Calamity Jane is probably a more accurate (ha ha ..) description. Slightly harder than what is actually perceived pleasant, ironic for "nice" and "social" is the word that she often described as. Still 3 apples high Catwoman without patience whatsoever with stupiditet, malice, self-imposed restrictions, or dog-like behavior. And she attaches itself still

too hard,

too deep, and above


when people rejected by others. And still blows on it, although she now strikes back - hard. Direct. While in the first place rather with words, than physical violence. But I recommend not to push it.

She always wanted to create music, but only at a hearing for the practice never attracted. The only instrument worth playing were still men.

Is it so that to move forward always must be broken down? Is it a consuming need to reshape its self? In order to regroup the fundamental ingridienserna available. The backbone and the visual may be the same, but the whimsy is probably the end result is not in the vicinity. Whimsy for those who can not see past the surface to say. Poor them. They may have an unpleasant surprise waiting. You could also call it exciting if you want to choose to see it from a positive perspective.

Old and new acquaintances in maple revalued, and it is no longer obvious that you are invited, just to the past was in her. It is not she find any value in that information, the public may see ever since.

She does not have any problems with parallels, she has lived all his life.

Perhaps let it all as she went to the dark side, it's not true. She still trying to do what is right and what is right. But now there are no lies and never ever lie to her again for nothing but the truth is. Longer.

The most difficult thing was to learn to swallow their pride, for nothing

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Läst 238 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-03 22:55

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The best.
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