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32 år Female icon från Göteborg

"Be kind - for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"




Brev till mig själv (5) - 2013-08-05
då framtiden var vår (2) - 2011-08-29

MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 19 Texter

att andas - 2013-11-06
Brev till mig själv (5) - 2013-08-05
the world is your oyster - 2013-07-16
och som jag önskar att du var här nu (2) - 2013-06-28
som en dröm (2) - 2013-05-19
bara du - 2013-05-12
jag förlåter er (1) - 2013-02-11
ingen kunde röra oss (1) - 2013-01-08
(re)invent yourself (1) - 2013-01-04
fina du - 2013-01-04
jag kan för fan inte ge dig mer av mig själv - 2012-12-30
2013 (1) - 2012-12-27
ingen ärlig chans - 2012-12-13
XVII - 2012-12-05
Personer jag känt men glömt bort (2) - 2012-10-23
då framtiden var vår (2) - 2011-08-29
vinterblek (2) - 2010-12-24
Du sa aldrig att du älskar mig (4) - 2009-07-30
he said why put a new adress on the same old loneliness (1) - 2008-12-02

« Första 1 Sista »

Det finns 1 sidor, du står på sidan 1

"Suicide is just a moment. This is how she described it to me. For just a moment it doesn't matter that you have people who love you, or that the sun is shining or that there's a movie coming out this weekend that you've been dying to see. It hits you all of a sudden that nothing is ever going to be okay, ever, and you kind of dare yourself. You pick up a knife and press it gently to your skin. You look out a nineteenth-story window and you think, I could just do it. I could just do it. And most of the time you look at the height and you get scared. You think about how sad it would have been if you never got to see that movie and you look at your dog and wonder who would have taken care of her if you had gone, and you go back to normal. But you keep it there in your mind. Even if you never take yourself up on it, it gives you a kind of comfort to know that the day is yours to choose. You tuck it away in your brain like sour candy tucked in your cheek and the puckering memory it leaves behind, the rough pleasure of running your tongue over it's strange terrain, is exactly the same."

Blev medlem augusti 2007

Har skrivit 79 kommentarer.
Har fått 360 applåder.


hissknapp nr 13 på stadens finaste hotell
När det man trodde aldrig skulle gå sönder gör det ändå
halva världen har tänkt samma tankar som du, men det känns lika ensamt ändå
Att vara ensam men inte själv
Om döden kommer så säg att jag är upptagen med att leva

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