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Page Goldenboy

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45 år Male icon från Göteborg

“Writing is a solitary occupation. Family, friends, and society are the natural enemies of the writer. He must be alone, uninterrupted, and slightly savage if he is to sustain and complete an undertaking.” - Jessamyn West



MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 191 Texter      RSS-flöde för texter

Spain - Germany preview - 2024-07-05
1/36 - 2024-07-04
45 och trappar ner - 2024-07-04
skrivkramp och noll socialt - 2024-07-03
Backgammon conversation with my fantasy girlfriend (pt. 4) - 2024-07-01
Solar flare – knocks out the Earth’s satellites (2) - 2024-06-29
Page – what is your opinion on Japanese matches? (2) - 2024-06-29
bedrägeri och misstänksamhet (2) - 2024-06-28
Backgammon conversation with my fantasy girlfriend (pt. 3) - 2024-06-27
religion, philosophy, science, spirituality - 2024-06-26
Oooh vilka fotsteg ska jag vandra - 2024-06-25
Slovenia gives England an anal-thrashing? - 2024-06-25
Backgammon conversation with my fantasy girlfriend (pt. 2) - 2024-06-25
Backgammon conversation with my fantasy girlfriend - 2024-06-24
Deep Down Deep Death Depression - 2024-06-23
Dear Mister Fantasy - 2024-06-23
dom försöker trolla henne till ondska - 2024-06-21
Jag förtjänar en riktigt fin tjej… - 2024-06-21
inte alla hästar hemma - 2024-06-21
crash - 2024-06-21

« Första 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sista »

Det finns 10 sidor, du står på sidan 1

I write about love, mental health, dystopia among other thinigs -because I care about the world. I should probably be more selfish. Love doesn't really play any games with me anymore though. I have quoted myself as ''Great artist or bust!'' /////

Blev medlem maj 2023

Har skrivit 183 kommentarer.
Har fått 147 applåder.