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Poem from my book My Own Poems of Life


I get these seizures
From time to time
It's quite annoying
It's goes from small to big ones
I get hurt very bad at times
When I have had these big ones
When I have the bigger ones I can´t remember much
When I get them
I remember bits and pieces
Like that there was some blood
But not much else

I prefer those small ones
Although I would prefer to not having them at all
I have medicin for this
And It does help but not all the way
I'm just glad I got help

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 12 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-04-26 12:57

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Tommi Perkiö
Tommi Perkiö VIP