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About being weird.


By Julia Engström.

I'm boiling inside.
Nowhere to hide.

It's a living hell.
Got no one to tell.

Tell me you're a loner too.
Please tell me we're two.

I know I'm crazy as hell.
I've got a weird shell.

The shell is my protection.
To the fear of more rejection.

I'm boiling inside.
Nowhere to hide.

It's a living hell.
Got no one to tell.

An overheated brain.
I'm getting insane.

Tell me you're a loner too.
Please tell me we're two.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Julia Engström
Läst 34 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-05-11 21:13

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Julia Engström