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Skriven 21 januari 2011, självinspirerad.

I want to be blind - like you

Things fall apart around me,
drops from the sky
like doomsday meteors
or volcano ash.

Words are said but not being meant,
hidden away,
scurried away,
when I need them the most.

On the outside I look calmly normal,
like a standardized test
with multiple choice questions.

I'm a too long essay
with multiple endings,
with too many explanations.

But tonight
I want to be in your sun ray,
in your orbit,
sucking up your blindness to the dark.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Carin
Läst 462 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-01-21 01:42

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