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3 april 2011, en av de där dagarna bara då det känns lite extra mörkt.

The matchstick girl

Why can't they see I'm not ok,
that the words of courage and happiness
are lies,
just illusions of something that was - before,
that I can't sleep at night
or that I can't feel the euphoria anymore.

On some days they all seem unreal,
like I can go through them, like ghosts
or go out in traffic without feeling the hit
of the speeding car
so I always step away from the ledge
to not be encouraged.

Most of the time I do what I am told,
I smile and I laugh
while feeling left outside,
like I don't belong there in the warmth
where the freedom and love lives
in the familiar faces that have left me behind.

I fantasize of the past more than the future,
they say I'm negative and speak of "what ifs"
and that's true, I do,
but what else is there to do when you've
thrown life away and people have walked out
the door.


I did give up, I did run away
but I try not to anymore,
I whisper 'don't run' every morning, every night,
even if it hurts me, even if they have already
left me. I say: I'm here, I'm here.


Save me.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Carin
Läst 491 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-04-20 16:44

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