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Soundtrack: Pearl Jam - Man of the hour, skriven om en person som betydde väldigt mycket för mig som dog den 26e juni 2010 efter att ha fått en stroke den 20e juni och därefter aldrig vaknat upp. Skriven 6 juli 2010.

Late June 2010

Farewell, good bye,
you left us old but still
way too young
to die
all alone in the TV glow.

You were too young to be
to the hospital,
too young to be that sick
but too passé to be saved.


Farewell, good bye,
you meant a lot to me
but of course
I never thought of telling you
how much
until you were in the white room
and the doctors said; "there's no time".

I cried, I knew it was true
while mum braved a smile and said;
"there might be chance",
but none of us went there
during those six days
you were sedated
to hold your hand and say;
"you meant the world to me,
thank you for being there".


Carl-Henrik, you will be missed and
never forgotten. Thank you for being
part of my life.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Carin
Läst 498 gånger
Publicerad 2011-06-17 16:51

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