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Relationen med en viss person, hur det kunde ha sett och hur känslorna kvarstår i slutändan.

Room for me

Can you make room for me?

I wanted to
paint the world
in colors
of us

The time before
Reflected in the silver glass
Once more
turn it around

Can you make room for me?
Let me see
what could have been
and the taste is

Shivers of the moon
sings and whispers
of truths and illusion

And this she heard

The angel who
couldn’t speak

So it was lost


Till the day
You see me again

Can you make room for me?
Let’s fulfill our promise
we shared
the last night together

Time always go forward
even though you stand still
Sooner or later
You’re moved by the time

In the silent night
she thinks of the whispers
she heard a long time ago

The sky enrich her picture
of a memory that’s now black and white

Can you make room for me?
My honest words of feelings
still stay reflected
in the mirror of the past
Keeping it true

Even today

Fri vers av Mirax
Läst 274 gånger
Publicerad 2012-02-28 23:10

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