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Don't be afraid my child!

Don't be afraid my child, I'm here with You.
When worries bring You down, just shut You're eyes and feel my arms around You.
I will carry You through it all and never let You tumble and fall.
And if You should fall I raise You up again.
When You think that You are all alone, You're not because I'm always there by Your side.
And when You are crying, I'm crying with You.
And when You smile my hearts beats in joy with You.
Life can be difficult and hard, but You are never alone.
You are my loved child and as Your father I will always give You comfort.
I will always be there and love You until the day when You're time has come for You to be here in heaven with me .

17 maj 2015.

Bunden vers av Barbro J
Läst 215 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-09-02 11:18

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