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En kväll vid sängkanten, blocket på nattduksbordet, inledningen hade surrat runt i min hjärna ett tag; som ett mantra nästan. Så jag skrev av mig, och resten av orden bara fyllde på av sig själva. Det blir så när det är äkta känslor, är min erfarenhet.

Stuck in my heart

You're stuck in a corner of my heart
and there's nothing I can do about it
You're stuck, because I won't let you out
and there's nothing I want to do about it

You see, I want to keep you there, like a secret treasure
Lost and locked up, for my own joy and pleasure

You see, I need you there, to feed my fantasies and daydreams
I mean, what would I do without you but just crack at my seams...

It's really sad & pathetic & tragic too
how hard I hold on to the thought of you
You don't know me
You don't see me
You don't care
and I don't dare
to tell you I love you
because that must be so wrong!
and it can't go on...
but I can't stop
so I give in
to You

Fri vers av Silverflowerpoet VIP
Läst 243 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-07-15 20:03

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