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About the blues in my heart

Lost in the djungle of my soul
Don't know where to go, don't know where to turn
I see no future here, no light at the end of the tunnel
No fire in my heart for a long time, but I long to burn

Questions without answers blurr my brain
Don't know what to think, don't know what to say
Afraid it will come out as a lie, or faking the truth
But pretty soon, I know, I must find my way

Changes are gonna hurt, one way or another
First step is always hard to do, I'm told
Still looking for the timing, though I know
I really shouldn't bother

I just need to figure out what I want
Then find the road that will get me there
How can it be so hard?
What is it I fear?

Lost in the djungle of my mind
No roads or paths to follow anywhere
So I wonder on, strolling around, going on as usual
Not sure I have the energy to even care

But I can feel my heart crying
A rythmic roar of loneliness and doubt
Is this right for me?
Will I stay and fight?

There's a blues in my heart that won't go away
Don't know what to do, don't know how to dare
My desire sings out loud and clear, but noone hear
Is this blues the way of my life? That's not fair...

Fri vers av Silverflowerpoet VIP
Läst 111 gånger
Publicerad 2021-11-09 17:47

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Silverflowerpoet VIP