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Changing colors

I am already growing old
Even though I am still just learning
What it means to be young

As a child I resented the idea
And longed for wisdom of the years
To not have to wonder, to know, to be sure
Dreamed of being comfortable in one's own skin
Knowing who you are and knowing others too

I am already growing old
And I am still just learning
What it means to have a body and a soul
Still just learning
What it means that you will never fully know

I am growing older
Learning more and knowing less

My body and my skin are changing their shape
As I was just getting familiar with their former state
Trying to wrap my mind around this new geography
As my journey constantly changes its route

I will never stop feeling the fear
Though it too may change its form
As a child I felt old and as I get older I feel childish
Always an imposter playing dress up

But I am growing older
Changing color
Learning more and knowing less
What it means to be young
Or what it means to grow old

Fri vers av Marvvel
Läst 84 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-23 14:14

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