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Blame me, hurt me, and thirll me

I wanna stop this kind of feeling
If it is between you and me
Gon’ play your good-bye role… getting nothing …
While tears are coming without me…

I can’t break a heart without trying
I can’t kiss your lips without kissing
But you wanna leave me now
And I have to forget you somehow.

Blame me, hurt me and thrill me
To make yourself strong and walk away
Oh! Leave me, deny me and freeze me
But I was part of your day.

I ain’t gonna be punished without a crime
If it’s the only crime was not to have time
Maybe one day you will understand
You could have me in the palm of your hand.

Blame me, hurt me and thrill me
To make yourself strong and walk away
Oh! Fence me, brick me and bury me
But I was part of your day.
But I was part of your day.
But I was part of your day.
But I was part of your day.

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 233 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-05-23 04:08

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson